Monday, October 20, 2008

Thinking Is Dangerous, But So Is Ignorance

I've never understood why anyone would purposely buy into all of this media bullshit on TV, radio, etc. But today I had a revelation.

Most people are under the impression that Ignorance is Bliss. Perhaps that is ok in some cases, like when your sister leaves your house in middle of the night, only to come back with a stranger's clothes on and smeared lipstick all over her face at 4 o'clock in the morning. But in most cases, it only leads to problems.

Basically what I mean is, most people don't want to know the truth because if they do, that means they'd actually have to do something about it.

I dunno about you, but to me that sounds EXTREMELY un-American.

Wasn't the whole point of the American Revolution about "Taxation Without Representation"? Think about that for a moment. We were being taxed for things that we weren't even aware of because we were misrepresented (or not at all) in Parliament. So what do we do? We protest and start a flippin' war!

It seems to me that not many want to hear the truth, simply because it'll force them to take action. Well, let me tell you something, America: ignorance may be bliss for now, but if you don't start to take responsibility for your actions and for your country, someone will take it over and screw you over. And it'll be all your fault.

So what I'm advocating is the use of thought and reason in the election of our officials, be it executive or legislative. Let's protest if things aren't going the way they should. Let's gang up on the Congress members putting pork in the bills that are meant to try and prevent an economic collapse. Are you telling me that voting for a bill that could possibly save our beloved Union is too much to ask? You need to add hundreds of pages of goodies before you could pass such a bill?

This is the ignorance I mean. We have it in Congress and in the Oval Office. And since no one  is doing anything to stop it except complain, they will keep on doing what they're doing and continue to fuck us over. We must get off of our lazy asses and do something to spread the word around: WE DON'T WANT INCOMPETENCE ANYMORE! GIVE US OUR FREEDOM BACK!

But are you willing to take the challenge?

Here's how you can get informed:

-Pay attention to the news.
Yes they are biased. Yes they don't give you the whole truth, but that doesn't mean that they don't give you SOME of the truth!

-Listen to the politicians themselves
Don't listen to the clips that the media provides. Find the whole speech or debate and realize the context of what they're saying. Trust me, it helps a TON!

-Find a reliable source of information on the internet
I like a lot, but even they are very biased when it comes to the two-party system. I would check out the other candidates as well and see where they stand on political issues such as the economy, the Iraq War, abortion and decreasing the size of big government.

Hey wait! Big government isn't an issue proposed by the media?

I guess I'm gonna have to cover that one in the next article...
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