Coming to the end of my senior year in high school, and thus leaving standard public education system forever, I think I can safely say the most interesting, useful, and informative things I've come across in life had nothing to do with the modern educational system.
Public education today is in a horrid state of affairs: creativity is discouraged, blind submission is mandatory, and nothing useful is taught. Even worse, although students are taught fact after fact from age 6 to 18, many students don't really learn anything.The good students grow up to be model citizens who are afraid of getting into trouble or sticking out from society in any way.
But I try to avoid explanatory models and stick to predictive models and improvement. If allowed to continue unchanged, the 'model person' will become so bogged down by trivial 'facts' like George Washington won the Second World War, the Universe is made up of String Cheese, and the sex lives of celebrities, that much useful information would get pushed out of the way simply because it is not valued by a society that doesn't value excellence in thought.
We see this in art. "There are only a few successful artists in the world, and the odds are not in your favor that you will become one of them," say many responsible, caring adults. This discourages many impressionable, trusting children from pursuing a career in the arts. Does this mean there's no talent? No, just that one will probably not make an income to support the standard model of living that the model person is told they want.
Imagine this on an intellectual level: the current trend in securing cheap labor is to go overseas and exploit poor countries' desperate people. It is likely that in a few centuries of time, this form of slavery will somehow become outdated, around the same time the dilemma of employing the people who were replaced by machines will get solved. This will all lead to a giant work force who will be used for simple, basic labor. At that point, basic schooling won't be necessary, as all one would need to do was learn how to do one simple job and go to a factory looking for employment.
This would probably lead to worker abuse as witnessed throughout the rest of history, but I fear I've presented enough information for now (which is the fancy way of saying I've drifted way off topic). But this thread is by no means dead: this is the beginning of a new series. Tomorrow will bring a synopsis of the material currently covered in schools.
And by tomorrow, I mean next time I go on this thing.
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If that stimulated your appetite, this may be of interest:
This link does a better job of explaining why the modern schooling system is 'flawed by design.' We don't believe in reinventing the wheel here at the Walrus, so instead we refer you to those who did invent it. Enjoy.
"The good students grow up to be model citizens who are afraid of getting into trouble or sticking out from society in any way."
Funny that you mention 'model citizens' History teacher ranted a little today on why you should do your homework and do well on the notebook quiz and go to college and all that bullshit and her reasoning was basically "because you will become a model citizen that is productive in society"
I find this wrong on MANY levels.
why the FUCK should we be productive memebers of a slave-owning dictator led society? trust me, Bush is only a few small steps away from becoming Hitler and we are all slowly walking into the trap of becoming peasant slaves like in the former Soviet Union. Schools are aiding in the process of desensitizing the masses...and the worst part is that teachers don't even know they're doing it!!
It's all really quite sad...
I think its repulsive that our society only values those who pursue money based jobs. Yeah, college is nice but its not necessary, but if you don't have a paying job, no one will take you seriously. When do you hear about alternate models of living? When do you learn about symbiotic relationships with nature?
...certainly not in school.
Continuing on the branch of cheap, undisciplined labor:
Prisons are starting to force inmates into doing civil service. This could potentially be warped into a horrid, ugly, nasty monster: Those that the government doesn't like will get imprisoned, then forced to do hard labor for the people that jailed them. Factor in big business and you can see where that will go.
Good point with the prisons. And its not like our govt NEVER imprisoned people they don't like. They do it now anyway. With hard labor in prison, its just asking for MORE people in jail, you know?
And this will cause another problem: overcrowding. We already have an overcrowding problem in jails. What will happen when the problem becomes even worse? Certainly it won't be good...
Notice that in the Project Pride Assembly, every one of them was basically imprisoned for drug use. It's not that they fucked up their lives's more like the cops saying "We don't want you doing drugs (or make any other real choices for yourself) so I'm gonna put you in jail, bitch!" They were all basically intelligent people (according to the school's grading method).
It just leads me to say this: drugs shouldn't be illegal only because it is the drug user's choice to use it. If you're smart you'd stay away from the dangerous ones.
Besides, if the overpopulation of Earth is such a HUGE problem and drugs cause SOOO many deaths, why not have drugs legal to stablize the population? It'd still be their choice to do it, but it would inevitably kill them, helping the rest of the world (in a way...i dont mean to sound like a jackass lmao)
the only problem with letting drug users kill themselves with drugs to stabilize population is that drugs dont cause death...
well, some drugs anyway
i dont think you were paying attention in that assembly... theft? stealing? robbing a gas station? these are all real crimes. however, if drugs were legalized, they wouldnt be so expensive, and you wouldn't see this kind of crime. They used crime to get money to buy drugs, not because the drugs made them do crime. In fact, Id bet all the incarcerated were stone sober during their crime.
But if drugs were legalized, and the price went down, that just means drug users could reach new levels of addiction much easier, right? Well, if junkies consumed any more heroine in one day, theyd be dead. And besides, price obviously isn't going to stop someone from using drugs: if they want them, they will get them.
Drugs shouldn't be illegal because anyone who's ever heard of the Prohibition of the 20s will tell you it CANNOT work.
i did pay attention in the assembly...i forgot about the theft the first guy committed, but what did the second guy do? The worst he really did was stay in a college campus a wee bit too long. And he tried to make it sound like it was drugs, but it was really his need to BOOGIE!!
Besides, I'm not an advocate of legalizing ALL drugs. Heroine, pcp and cocaine would probably be on my list of "illegals". Pot would be the first on the legal list, followed by any other mind-expanding drug like acid and shrooms. And I would like to see tobacco illegal, but that won't happen.
And of course, i don't condone the use of drugs for the sole purpose of "getting high". I don't use drugs (except the occasional alcoholic beverage, but who doesn't?). If one were to use drugs (i think) it should be for the purpose of creativity in the fields of music, literature, film, etc. I don't want the Walrus to be a druggie zone (although that may become its destiny. not that theres anything WRONG with that...)
Oh hell, why am i rambling Fez?
Because its addictive.
I think heroine should be one of the first drugs to be legalized. Furthermore, I think the govt should set up safe places for heroine users to take their drugs in safety, administered by professionals... etc. People are going to do drugs, the laws haven't stopped anyone. So in order to protect the citizens (like a good govt should) we must cater to their desires.
so if a govt must cater to its desires, why should it legalize heroine? isnt pot the most commonly used drug in America (besides the legal ones)?
and plus heroin is possibly one of the most DANGEROUS drugs. why legalize the which can kill you unless to stabalize the population, but you can't do that with the public being aware.
>cough< tobacco and alcohol >cough<
or maybe im looking into things too much. again.
the main reason heroine is dangerous is because its illegal. if you legalized it, needles would be sold sterilized, doses would come measured out so you wouldn't have to share needles, and if administered by a professional, you cut out the risk of ODing.
What does keeping it illegal do? Make it expensive, makes sterility questionable, makes the content of the drug questionable, and just makes things more dangerous.
Plus, you won't have people running around killing each other to get drug money, cause everything will be cheaper. Reduced crime, better health for the addicted, its just better all around.
i always thought that the actual drug itself cause much of the damage...
consider this:
a person takes heroin for the first time. since it's addictive, he's gonna keep on doing it more. the more he takes, the more he needs. so when the money gets too much to handle, he decides to quit. Alas, here lies the problem: he is addicted and severe withdrawals occur. and as any addict would know, withdrawals suck MAJOR ass.
that right there is caused by the use of the drug alone, not counting the diseases possible spread using a needle or any other chemical that was mixed in with it.
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