Wednesday, April 30, 2008

BIG NEWS!!'s not THAT big, but it's sort of important.

There is now a new blog for your viewing pleasure. It's called One Mind At A Time...

If you truly know me and what has been written on this site, you know what the above blog is about. HOWEVER, this does NOT mean that the Walrus has died! It is still functioning perfectly and will continue to survive as long as there is an Ocean and sea critters to nibble one (in case you didn't catch the reference, the ocean is the Internet and the critters are YOU, the reader. Yes, we eat our readers)

So without further ado, please welcome One Mind as a new member to the Walrus Family!


I have received word that Ron Paul has written a book! It's called The Revolution- A Manifesto. Yours truly will certainly buy/steal this book and share it's wisdom to my walrus brethren. Once this book is in my possession, I will gladly write an article about it. Until then...

May the Schwartz be with you!

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