Why would I pick such an ABSURD url for a myspace page?
Well, that would be because thinking IS in fact quite dangerous.
Thinking is the most obvious and possibly the most IMPORTANT function of the human brain. It allows us to form opinions, remember which week to feed the cat, and recall what happened to that cat after leaving it starving for a few weeks.
Note: I do not own a cat, but I do happen to see them EVERYWHERE!!
The human brain is the most complex glob of tissue in your body (but I'm sure you know that already). What's important to know is that using this piece of matter could result in actually LEARNING something.
The brain allows you to question authority and all the education you've been given since your birth, as I explained in a previous post.
There is information out there that others don't want you to know (like the truth behind the Fed, for example). Knowing information is having power. We are all capable of this power and I encourage you all to get this power.
However, with this knowledge, comes GREAT responsibility.
Yeah I just TOTALLY ripped Spider-man there...
As you learn new information, it is vital for you to share this information, or else it will DIE!!
In other words, if information doesn't spread, no one will know the truth. And if no one knows the truth, how can we defeat the evils among us?
On a slightly random point, you probably noticed the new poll I set up, right? There's a reason why I put such a random poll up: Reading is important. No, I'm not trying to sound like an English teacher or your mother. What I mean is, to form opinions, you must actually KNOW something. Therefore, you must READ YOUR FUCKING ASS OFF.
But why? The TV provides us with PLENTY of information!
Please don't get me on that rant again.
Too late!
All television provides is a certain PERSPECTIVE on the news. It gives you news about what THEY feel is important. Plus they have their own agenda to fulfill. They push certain political parties down your throat, give attention to the scientists promoting global warming (there's actually scientists out there that flat out REJECT this theory...but no one will tell you about them), and say the word "terror" about a gajillion times in one hour to promote the War in Iraq.
And don't get me wrong. Watching the news is important. You need to get the weather SOMEWHERE...
Besides getting information, reading increases your brain's functionality, which also allows you to form more educated opinions. It probably wouldn't hurt to have an extended vocabulary, too!
Back on the topic of thinking, it is my personal belief that the Establishment doesn't want you to think. I mean, you have the media spoon feeding you their "information", cartoons and sitcoms "dumbing you down", you have the internet (if used the wrong way) that also stupifies you...
So basically what I'm saying is this: Entertainment is another tool used by the government to stop you from thinking.
Cliff Hanger...
i dont think 'the authority' really gives a shit wether or not you think,
just as long as you keep paying those taxes and stay out of trouble.
exactly my point. if humans actually THOUGHT, they wouldn't pay the fucking taxes and protest the insanely high prices they're sending directly to the unconstitutional Fed.
to this very day, i don't understand why people WANT to pay taxes. Democrats are notorious for this. why would anyone want to spend their hard earned cash on paying the interest of that same dollar?
how fucked up is America?
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