Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Conspiracy Theorists...Who needs em?

Judging by my previous posts, I could assume that most of you think I am a so called "conspiracy theorist".

I'll say it right here and right now: I am not anything of the sort. I am, however a truth seeker.

Yeah...there's a difference.

There are people who believe in unproven theories regarding things such as lizard-people, astronaut gods and britney spears being a normal but misunderstood person.

All of those theories have not been proven, but are somehow believed by some. These few are called conspiracy theorists. They are few, proud and...well...weird!

A truth seeker, on the other hand, searches for the truth in politics, science, religion, and an assortment of other important issues and ideas. This is what I am. This is what the Walrus is all about. DON'T GET IT TWISTED!

The reason why I even bring this up is because I've heard the term THOUSANDS of times on the news recently.



Yeah because believing in what the constitution says instead of what the media says is unpatriotic...yurp... I guess that also means that since I'm AGAINST abortion, I'm a murderer!

Get the facts straight people! We are all truth seeking walruses around these parts...

If you want a conspiracy theorist, go look up David Icke. Last I checked, he still believed Bush and Clinton were lizard-people...

End Transmission.

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