Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Science Gets Hip

For a rare moment in my life, I actually sat in front of an operational television set and watched an educational program. It was a documentary on Stephen Hawkins, which went into detail about one of his most heretical theories. In his study of black holes, he devised an equation that combined the forces of gravity, strong and weak electromagnetic forces, and some other stuff
that had previously defied being fit into a coherent equation with the other forces of nature (PHYSICS IS RACIST, TOO). Some might call this the HOLY MOTHERFUCKING GRAIL OF MODERN PHYSICS, but those with less open minds denounce it entirely since the whole theory is based on the idea that matter CAN be created and destroyed.

When a black hole is born, it begins sucking in matter around it. Its gravity pulls everything within its 'event horizon,' including light. (interesting side note: LIGHT IS MATTER SAYS HARVARD RESEARCH) Throughout the life of the black hole, matter is continuously sucked in until the black holes collapses on itself and 'disappears.' But when this black hole disappears, so does all the matter it sucked in. Where did all that matter go?

Another interesting phenomenon the equation predicted: suppose on board the Enharmonic Dwindledrive Spaceship Model 644.23, Ulrich decided to 'accidentally' genetically modify Moldera's favorite pet goat so it grew a few extra... branches, so Moldera ejected Ulrich into the vacuum of space to be sucked into a black hole. As Ulrich crosses the event horizon, Moldera sees him getting ripped apart atom by atom as time and space begin to fall apart, and then sees fractals forming in the chaos, and begins to realize that the universe is actually just a hologram of
a single proton... wait, am I describing black holes or an acid trip? WHY ARE THEY SO SIMILAR? However, Ulrich's perspective would be much less... interesting. He would simply float over the to black hole, and pass though unharmed. A rather boring and uneventful journey.

And now the moment you've been waiting for...

Again, the whole theory is based off the idea that matter can be created and destroyed. All of science says this isn't so, and if it was possible, physics as we know it would break down. However, I think the 'spontaneous' generation and degeneration of matter would follow calculable rules (chaos theory might come into play here...), as much other phenomenon does. But all this is simply logic without any support: BUT HOLD ON BUDDY, WE'RE GETTIN THERE. Look at death. Is not death the disappearance of life, or matter if we call it? This brings up the question: what is life? It's as real as the computer you're sitting at, the words your reading, the information you are processing. Light, as mentioned earlier, has been proven to be matter. Perhaps life is the same: in which, death would be the disappearance of matter, and that happens EVERY DAY.

With my previous thought, perhaps it could be possible to follow the decay of life until we reach
its endpoint. That would be interesting to put into use for individual people, but lets THINK BIG. How about the fate of our entire planet? Supposing we don't kill each other with technology or an asteroid comes and does the job for us, COULD WE SERIOUSLY PREDICT EVOLUTION?
And if we can predict it, can we sculpt it?

But of course, if matter can be destroyed, it can be created. Which means the miracle of life is getting closer and closer to being understood. And once its understood, then we can start becoming the gods we secretly know we are.

The Ulrich-Moldera situation poses a paradox: how can one be whole yet dead at the same time? This should violate rational thought: you can't exist and not-exist simultaneously. OR CAN YOU? I see no paradox: I see the destruction of the physical body as the mind remains intact. But I'd take it further. Where is Ulrich now? is he in some sort of afterlife? WHATS GOING ON HERE? Is he passing into some other dimension? And what happens to Ulrich now? Will he just drift about aimlessly or might he get recycled like everything else in nature? Suddenly reincarnation is making a lot more sense.

This is the first time science has ever come anywhere near talking about spirituality. We're living in interesting times, and things are gonna start getting REAL WEIRD. Hold onto your hats, ladies, the universe really is an acid trip, and you're invited to join the party.


Fesomelia Straelemotus said...

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about black holes (and obviously neither do many people) but they've always fascinated me...

my fascination continues...

Fesomelia Straelemotus said...

interesting that by combining all the known forces of physics, you could make a spiritual statement