Friday, February 29, 2008

Vos estis walri. The Art of Thinking: Part 1

Let me say this right away: The United States is heading in the same direction as the Roman Empire did many many moons ago.

Now for the story that basically inspired this topic.

Way back in Latin II, I learned all about all these "bread and circuses" (which are basically tools to appease the masses) and the corruption in the Roman government. And then it hit me like a virus today. I guess I was destined to write this article for you guys.

Yeah I know that was a GREAT story. (lol)

Anyway, it had to be said. There IS a method to my madness.

A little more on these "Bread and circuses":

The Roman government was basically fucking over the Roman people. They had the shittiest houses possible and the government was as corrupt as it could get (...maybe). So they had to please the people to prevent riots. This was accopmlished using free food and entertainment (which was basically killing people).

Ok. So how does this apply to the United States today?

Well, look at all the entertainment we have:

music, movies, television, internet, video games, ipods, cell phones, computers, sports, magazines, cameras, radios, squids, sports bars, strip clubs, etc.

That's just a few. And there's plenty more within each catergory.

Especially squids.

Anyway, just examine why the Romans had bread and circuses. That was just two things. I just made a list of 15.

So that brings up two things that I have a problem with: 1) There's must be someone out there that is purposely giving us all this entertainment to make us focus on that instead of THINKING and 2) The human race has become HOPELESSLY materialistic.

Let's undress the first point.

I've already made my opinion on the government and the media quite clear: they suck. This is just one more reason I have for hating them. If you've ever read Faranheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, you'd probably know what I mean. Today's youth (myself included) is so focused on the current trends, fads, movies and music (or in my case, the music of the 1970s) that we are losing any intelligence we had. Even more than intelliegence, we are losing our ability to think for ourselves. Even in school, we are taught "facts" instead of thinking for ourselves. And we are rewarded for learning these facts with grades. And we are rewarded for that by getting into college. And we are rewarded for that by getting decent job.

Then what?

We are forced into a routine that most Americans are not even aware of. It's a trap. It's a prison. It's an earthly HELL!

You are taught what is right. You are taught what is wrong. You are taught that there truly AREN'T cats everywhere you look.

So I'm here to tell you that all of that is WRONG!!

THINK FOR YOUR GODDAMN SELF!! I can't tell you exactly how to do it. That you must figure out for yourself. But what I can tell you is this:

-Question authority. Your leaders are lying to you. Your parents are lying to you. Your teachers are lying to you. And best of all, they probably don't even know it.

-Question education. Not everything taught to you in school is true.

Here's one: Sodium Fluoride is one of the most dangerous chemicals found on this planet. Wanna know where you can find this chemical? Toothpaste, mouth rinse and EVEN YOUR FUCKING WATER (in some areas...thank GOD it's not here...)

-Question anything you know FOR SURE. Chances are it's probably false.

And most important of all...

-Question this entire article.


I'm telling you my opinion and my feelings on the information I received through various medians. I learned how to think for myself and not have the media spoonfeed me information. The links on the left side of this page is the media I have chosen for myself. HOWEVER, I am human and I could be wrong. You must decide for yourself if I am telling the truth or if I'm just another crazy walrus just ranting away on a blog.

In the end, you could either take these words to heart or just shrug it off and punch me in the face for saying that fluoride can kill you and that squids are the ULTIMATE source of entertainment.

The ball's in your court...


Fesomelia Straelemotus said...

yeah, so because entertainment gets the attention while the media is exerting its influence... propaganda is everywhere

to paraphrase Thoreau:
the majority of americans are living lives of quiet desperation
people get stuck in the school-college-work-age-die cycle, and any aberration from that cultural norm is considered failure. no wonder americans are all stressed out: were constantly working ourselves too hard, and not even caring about dreams cause if you dont have money, achieving dreams becomes noticeably harder.

and its all about the path of least resistance... give up on your dreams and become an unhappy zombie like us!

Anonymous said...

exactly! I mean im still going to college and all, but i think im gonna find out that id be much better off just being a beatnik. lol

and Thoreau is awesome. what a quotable writer!

Fesomelia Straelemotus said...

the walri are y'all? or did you mean Vos estis walri?