Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh my God...I made a Blog!

Yeah, it was a matter of time before I stopped posting random shit on Facebook and decided to waste my time putting my thoughts somewhere else. If you read this, it's your loss, really.

I'm just kidding. I hope I can entertain you for a few minutes every day or so. If I do, then my job is complete.

So let me introduce myself. I am a person that sees cats EVERYWHERE. And I like the word WALRUS. You can thank the Beatles for that. Goo Goo Gajoob.

Umm... I have limited respect for authority these days. The government can suck my male reproductive organ. Unless Ron Paul gets elected, but let's face the facts: the US is not ready for real change. You think Clinton or Obama is going to give you change? Well, we'll see about that! The only change that either of them can bring to the White House is the fact that a minority will, for the first time, sit in the Oval Office as the leader of this nation. And possibly more taxes.

Anyway, that should be enough of a rant for today.


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